
HTTP Archive Extractor

Project maintained by nberlette Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Extract files from HTTP Archives (.har) with a simple command line interface.

</div> --- ## Install To utilize the `harx` command in your Terminal, you first must install it globally. ### [`pnpm`](https://pnpm.io) ```bash pnpm i -g harx ``` ### [`yarn`](https://yarnpkg.com) ```bash yarn global add harx ``` --- ## Usage As long as `$(yarn global dir)` or pnpm's global dir is in your system's `$PATH` var, you can run **`harx`** directly: ```bash USAGE $ harx [options] OPTIONS -o, --output [path] Output path to extract files (default is ./output) -i, --include [pattern] RegExp pattern: extract matching files, unless excluded -e, --exclude [pattern] RegExp pattern: skips matching files, unless included -n, --no-query Strip the URL query string from file paths -d, --dry-run Do not persist any lasting changes. For testing. -v, --verbose Be more talkative -h, --help Displays this help page --version Displays the current harx version EXAMPLES # extracts everything to /path/to/out/net harx ./net.har --output /path/to/output # includes only .html files harx archive.har --exclude "*" --include "*.html" # excludes only .js files harx archive.har --include "*" --exclude "*.js" ``` ## Options ```bash -o, --output [path] Output path for extracted files (default is ./output) -i, --include [pattern] RegExp pattern: extract matching files, unless excluded -e, --exclude [pattern] RegExp pattern: skips matching files, unless included -n, --no-query Strip the URL query string from file paths -d, --dry-run Don't persist any lasting changes. For testing. -v, --verbose Be more talkative ``` > **Note:** if you get an error stating `harx cannot be found` or similar, try to run `pnpx harx` or `npx harx` instead. ## Examples ### Basic extraction ```bash # extracts HTTP snapshot into "./output/nberlette.github.io" subfolder # includes all images, fonts, styles, and HTML files that DevTools # recorded in the Network log before you exported the HAR file. harx ./nberlette.github.io.har -o ./output --no-query ``` ### Includes and Excludes #### Excludes all files except `.html` and `.css` ```bash harx ./archive.org.har --exclude "*" --include "*.html" --include "*.css" ``` #### Includes only `.png` images, nothing else ```bash harx ./archive.har -o images -e "*" -i "*.png" ``` ### Dry Runs If you'd like to simply examine what files **_would_** be extracted, without actually writing to the file system... ```bash harx ./archive.har --output output --dry-run --verbose ``` --- ### References * [HAR 1.2 Spec | Software is hard](http://www.softwareishard.com/blog/har-12-spec/ "HAR 1.2 Spec | Software is hard") * [HTTP Archive (HAR) format](https://w3c.github.io/web-performance/specs/HAR/Overview.html "HTTP Archive (HAR) format") * [micmro/har-format-ts-declaration: TypeScript typing for HAR (HTTP Archive) 1.2](https://github.com/micmro/har-format-ts-declaration "micmro/har-format-ts-declaration: TypeScript typing for HAR (HTTP Archive) 1.2") ### License
MIT © 2022 [Nicholas Berlette](https://github.com/nberlette) • Inspired by [azu](https://github.com/azu)